Your voice is the sound of the vibration of the muscle tissues located on either side of your larynx. Your larynx sits between the trachea and the back of the tongue along the air passage to the lungs.

When you are not talking, the muscles provide an opening for you to breathe. When you are talking, a series of events take place. Your vocal muscles come together as air from your lungs passes over them and create a vibration which generates sound waves. The shape and size of your vocal muscles, cavities within your throat, nose, and mouth determine the quality of your voice.

Is Your Voice Healthy?

Your responses to the following questions can help you in determining whether your voice is healthy. If your answer to any of these questions is yes, you may be experiencing a problem with your voice.

  • Is your voice raspy or hoarse?

  • Has your ability to reach higher singing notes changed?

  • Has your voice deepened?

  • Is your throat strained or sore?

  • Is it difficult for you to talk?

  • Are you regularly clearing your throat?

If you think you have a voice problem, schedule an appointment with your health practitioner to determine what might be causing the issue.

What Causes Problems with Your Voice?

There are several causes of voice problems, including:

  • Respiratory infections

  • Overuse of vocal cords

  • Growths or nodules on vocal cords

  • Cancer of the larynx

  • Psychological trauma

  • Neurological disease

You can solve most voice problems by dealing with the cause through a variety of treatments and procedures.

How Can I Prevent Voice Problems?

You can prevent problems with your voice by following some essential tips:

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Use a humidifier

  • Limit medication intake

  • Maintain a healthy diet

  • Be physically active

  • Don’t smoke

  • Avoid spicy foods

  • Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains

  • Wash your hands regularly

  • Get lots of rest

  • Avoid gargles and mouthwash

  • Don’t overuse your voice

How Can I Reduce Vocal Strain?

For singers, a vocal strain can drastically limit their vocal range. Overuse of the outer muscles of the larynx can create vocal tension, making it difficult for the cords to hold together for any length of time. You can reduce muscle tension by warming up before you sing. Warming up for fifteen minutes on basic scales in a comfortable range is an effective strategy for lowering vocal strain.

For more information on reducing vocal strain and music lessons in the Plano, TX area, contact the Matt Burk Studio at 972-996-6808 today!

Matt Burk Music Studio | Music Lessons Plano TX | 972-996-6808