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Learn to Play Piano TX

What to Expect When You Begin to Learn to Play Piano in Allen, TX

Learn to Play Piano Allen TX

If you're about to experience your first piano lesson, you might not know what to expect. Here are some things that you can count on experiencing when you first begin lessons.

You can expect to be a little nervous, but the thing to remember is that you're new. You won't be playing the greats when you first start, so remember this to help relax.

Some questions you might have include questions about practice times. You'll need to know what accessories and books are needed. Ask how the lessons are structured, and what the teacher expects of their students.

Expect to learn some finger exercises, such as the Hanon method, to help finger strength. Call Matt Burk Music studios to learn to play piano in Allen, TX.

Learn to Play Piano Allen TX
Matt Burk Music Studio
1701 Legacy Drive, Ste. 150
Frisco, TX 75034
United States
(469) 353-6100

The Importance of Hand and Sitting Position During Piano Lessons

Piano Lessons Allen TX

Learning to play the piano means more than mastering the process. Your technique is just as important; without the proper technique, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Tendonitis can occur over time.

When you sit down at the piano, your hand placement should be natural and curved. Stand up straight with your hands at your side and notice the natural curve of your fingers. That is the position you should aim to accomplish. Sit on half of the piano bench with your feet flat on the floor and back straight.

These sitting and hand placement techniques can help prevent injury and improve your ability to play. For more information on the proper piano playing technique and piano lessons in Allen, TX call Matt Burk Music Studio.

Piano Lessons Allen TX
Matt Burk Music Studio
1701 Legacy Drive, Ste. 150
Frisco, TX 75034
United States
(469) 353-6100

Practicing When You Learn to Play Piano in Frisco, TX

Learn to Play Piano Frisco TX

When your child wants to learn how to play the piano, you might think that there is too much involved. The truth is that all your child needs to do to play well is practice.

Practicing a little and often (every day) will yield better results than practicing for hours on end in one big chunk. While daily practice is necessary, it is the quality of the practice that will provide better results over time than only focusing on the amount of time spent.

Your child's piano instructor can provide more information on the best amount of practice. This instruction will include when the best time of day to practice is for your child. For the best method to learn to play piano in Frisco, TX call Matt Burk Music Studio.

Learn to Play Piano Frisco TX
Matt Burk Music Studio
1701 Legacy Drive, Ste. 150
Frisco, TX 75034
United States
(469) 353-6100

Practice Makes Perfect: Learn to Play Piano in Frisco TX

It’s easy for a child to learn to play piano in Frisco TX from a dedicated music teacher. Weekly lessons are just part of a child’s musical education. Practicing at home between lessons is the only way a child can cement the scales and techniques learned during lessons.  As a child learns more about the piano and music in general, practice will be a welcome activity, not a chore.

Piano Lessons In Frisco TX: 8 Reasons To Learn How To Play The Piano

If learning to play the piano has been a lifelong dream, there’s never been a better time than right now.  At Matt Burk Music Studio, we offer piano lessons in Frisco TX for lovers of music of any age.  So, if you’ve lived a busy life and are just now finding time to do the things you always wanted to do or you have a child with a love of music that you want to cultivate, make the call to Matt Burk Music Studio now.  And if you’re hesitating because you think piano lessons are a luxury, here are some reasons why they’re really a necessity:

1.  Learning to play an instrument like the piano can give you or a child a sense of accomplishment and a deep feeling of fulfilment.

2.  Playing the piano for an audience can help to build confidence that can extend from performing into the rest of your daily life.  That confidence is crucial to success in any field of pursuit.

3.  The piano is one of the only instruments that makes coherent sounds even for beginners.  Most other instruments, like violins and trumpets, that involve correctly plucking a string or blowing a note, take months of study before the user can make a pleasant sound.

4.  Also unlike many other instruments, the piano provides both harmony and melody so it can be played without accompaniment, which means that playing a complete piece of music on the piano can be accomplished solo.

5.  The study of music can make you happier and can give you a creative outlet through which to channel all of your emotions.  With that happiness comes greater sociability, which is especially important for young children.

6.  Piano lessons in Frisco TX can give children a direction in life, whether they pursue piano playing as a profession or as a vocation.

7.  The piano is a difficult instrument to master because it requires a great deal of coordination and multi-tasking.  This coordination of skills can exercise your brain in ways other activities can’t.

8.  Because your brain is so stimulated by the technical skills you must learn when you play the piano, the increased ability to learn and focus can translate to other areas as well.  For children, this often means an improvement in math and science grades in school.

The best thing about taking piano lessons in Frisco TX is how much fun it is.  When you learn at the Matt Burk Music Studio, we make sure that you’re enjoying yourself while you’re learning.  Our instructors have a great rapport with their students and an excellent knowledge of musical theory and performance.  Call us at Matt Burk Music Studio at 469-353-6100 to get started today.  If you want to find out more about us, visit

Piano Lessons Frisco, TX
Matt Burk Music Studio 
1701 Legacy Drive, Ste. 150
Frisco, TX 75034
(469) 353-6100

Different Ways That People Learn to Play Piano in Frisco TX


There are many ways you can learn to play piano in Frisco TX. It might seem like teaching someone the piano could only be done one way, but in truth, there are many different styles of piano instruction that change based upon the skills of the teacher and the skills of the student. Finding the right method of instruction for a student is one of the foundations of good musical instruction and can make all the difference in how a student feels about their music. There are numerous different methods of teaching piano, all of which vary based upon the student’s own natural talents and what they might like to use their piano knowledge for someday.

The methods of teaching have to take into account a student’s own talents. Some students are more inclined to sight-read music, meaning that the student can see the page before them and play it without requiring much practice. While other students need practice before they can play a piece, but once they have it right, they’ll remember the piece forever, with or without sheet music in front of them. Other students have an excellent ear, meaning that they can hear the music and understand the notes and how it should be played. Some students can fine-tune their music from what they hear, but they understand music far better when they have the sheets in front of them showing them the actual notes and the time. These students all learn to play piano in Frisco TX in different ways because of their different inherent skills with music.

The way students are taught piano will also vary depending upon what they want to use their piano skills for. Obviously there are some students who long to become concert pianists where the piano is their only instrument, and how they learn to play piano Frisco TX will be focused on all the theory and skills that are specific to the piano. However, there are others who want to learn to play the piano as a foundation for some other instrument. The piano is an excellent way to learn your notes and how to read music, which can then be used as a foundation for whatever instrument the student might like to learn next. Also, the piano can be an excellent base of knowledge for students who want to sing rather than focus on any specific instrument.

Because it is important that a person learn in the way that is best for them and their specific goals, you want your piano instruction to come from Matt Burk Music Studio. They have all the skills and abilities you need to help you learn in the way that’s best for you. Contact them at to find out more about how they can help you learn in the way that suits you best.

How Matt Burk Music Studio can help you discover the best way for you to learn to play piano in Frisco TX.

Learn to Play Piano in Frisco, TX
Matt Burk Music Studio 
1701 Legacy Drive, Ste. 150
Frisco, TX 75034
(469) 353-6100

Piano Lessons Frisco TX: Finally Learn How To Play


Have you always wanted to play the piano?  Do you have songs running around in your head that you’d like to be able to put down on paper?  If so, we can help!  The Matt Burk Music Studio will help you learn how to play the type of music that you want at a pace that works for you.  Even if you have tried before and feel like you didn’t get it, we will work with you in a way that will make sense to you so you can become the piano player you’ve always dreamed of being.  For all your piano lessons Frisco TX call the Matt Burk Music Studio today!





Piano Lessons in Frisco, TX
Matt Burk Music Studio 
1701 Legacy Drive, Ste. 150
Frisco, TX 75034
(469) 353-6100