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Six Rhythm Exercises to Learn to Play Drums and for All Musicians

Learn To Play Drums TX

Any musician can tell you that keeping a beat to music is the most important skill to hone to sound like a professional. While it may come naturally to some, finding a rhythm and staying with it may take a lot of practice for others. Learning to play the drums has never been easier with personalized drum lessons, but there are six exercises you can do at home to make sure you're keeping time like a pro:

  1. Walk to a beat.  Walking to a beat is not just for John Travolta walking down the street to "Saturday Night Fever;" walking or marching to a beat is a straightforward and easy practice to keep around the house. Use a metronome or an app to play a beat, and you'll be marching like a pro in no time. Or, walk to the beat of your favorite songs.
  2. Tap it out.  When your legs aren't moving to a beat, use your fingers or hands to tap or clap a beat. Creating a habitual exercise to hone your rhythm will make scheduling drum lessons that much easier. The more you practice in your spare time, the more improvement you can get out of your lesson.
  3. Learn to subdivide.  Beats, especially when it comes to drums, can be broken down into even shorter beats. Instead of counting "one, two, three, four..." as you practice keeping time, try counting "one, and, two, and, three, and, four, and..." Knowing how to maintain small beats will make your lessons even more productive.
  4. Record yourself.  It is easy to hear a beat when it comes from someone else, but it is simpler to learn how to keep a rhythm when you hear yourself try it. Recording your pace allows you to realize how proficient your rhythm is, and makes learning much easier when you know what you need to improve upon.
  5. Learn from the best.  While learning to play the drums from an instructor is the best way to gain all the necessary skills, listening to a drummer or visiting a band practice to watch how a drummer moves and interacts with his or her music will not only teach you methods of keeping rhythm, but will help inspire you to play.
  6. Play with a background beat.  Even with metronome practices around the house, using a rhythm as you practice the drums can keep you on track so you don't lose your beat as you practice other drum skills. If you need help, ask your instructor the best practice techniques to help you learn and practice good rhythm in between lessons.

Keeping time is the first thing to master when learning an instrument. Once you realize how to keep time, though, your musical skills will improve in no time. For anyone who wants to learn how to play drums in the Frisco, TX area, the only business to call is Matt Burk Music Studio. Unleash your inner rock star by calling (469) 353-6100.

Learn to Play Drums TX
Matt Burk Music Studio
1701 Legacy Drive, Ste. 150
Frisco, TX 75034
United States
(469) 353-6100

Form to Consider When You Learn to Play Drums in TX

Learn To Play Drums TX

During your drum practices, there are various things to consider if you're not getting the sound you want. One consideration might not be the first thing you would think of. However, make sure that you are using proper form and posture to get the best sound.

For proper form, be sure that you are not hitting the drums straight up and down. Check to see if you are leaning in, or if you're sitting too close to the bass drum. Also, make sure that you are not holding the sticks too far back.

Consider other form techniques that your drum instructor has taught you. Get the best lessons on how to learn to play drums in TX by calling Matt Burk Music Studio.

Learn to Play Drums TX
Matt Burk Music Studio
1701 Legacy Drive, Ste. 150
Frisco, TX 75034
United States
(469) 353-6100

Three Things to Know Before You Learn to Play Drums

Learn To Play Drums TX

Learning an instrument is a hobby that can bring joy to a musician for a lifetime. Like most things, the hardest part of playing the drums is starting the learning process. With studios in the area like Matt Burk Music Studio in Frisco, TX, learning to play the drums becomes easier than you think. Even with lessons, though, it's good to know some basics about drumming before you sit down to play. There are three things you should become familiar with before you stop in for your first drum lesson:

  1. Learn how to read music. Drumming requires physical skill but getting to know the notes on paper is a mental exercise that will make learning the drums easier for both you and your instructor. There are books and sources online that teach about the staff, clefs and notes that fit together to become sheet music. The faster you can interpret your sheet music, the better drummer you will become. Plus, if your instructor doesn't have to teach you how to read music, they can spend more time teaching you that drum solo you've always wanted to learn.

  2. Practice rhythm. Drumming is a technical skill to hone and isn't something you can learn overnight. Something that will help the learning process, though, is to practice tapping with your hands and learning the rhythm of how to use a drum. Figuring out what a downbeat is, becoming familiar with how you use your hands and maybe even practicing holding drumsticks will all make your music lesson much easier. Practice your rhythm, and you'll be on the fast track to becoming the best drummer in Frisco.

  3. Learn the parts of a drums set. The drums involve many different components, and since you'll be spending a lot of time on a drum set during your lesson, it's good to know beforehand what you'll be using. Drum kits can have many parts to them, but most kits almost always have a bass drum, a snare drum and a few tom-toms. Cymbals are also attached to the kit. By knowing what part of the drum set is what, you'll not only impress your instructor, but you'll impress yourself with how quickly you can progress with your music lessons.

With just a bit of research and ambition, your first drum lesson will be much more relaxed and much more fun. To become your own rock star, the best music lessons in Frisco are at Matt Burk Music Studio. Visit to book your personalized drum lesson with a qualified instructor.

Matt Burk Music Studio  |  Learn To Play Drums TX  |  469-353-6100