The dreaded click. My students love when I turn it on. That was sarcasm, if you were unsure. It seems like no one "enjoys" practicing with a metronome. Still, I do like to press the use of it during at-home practice because it helps eliminate rhythmic hiccups and ingrains a more strict sense or "feel" of rhythms when it is not present. So how do you incorporate the metronome into your daily practice?  Turn it on! I know it seems silly, but many of my students simply forget to turn the metronome on when practicing, even when it is sitting right next to their practice area. Some students have expressed a "fear" or dislike of using the metronome because it doesn't seem to help right away. Not being perfectly on with the click can be frustrating for perfectionists but we must remember:  it will take some time getting used to playing alongside a metronome. The more that we use it, the easier it becomes to stay on point.

So now that you're using the metronome whenever you practice, let us talk about setting the correct tempo for practice maximization! Usually your instructor will help with this, either showing you a range in which you can keep the metronome from become a hindrance or giving you exact metronome or tempo markings for the exercise or piece. You want to have it set where you can both play what you need to without mistakes and at a pace where doing so is still a challenge. It is a fine line to walk but it can be achieved through constant use! Set your tempo: use that metronome!

This is just a small example of the many useful musical tools you can learn here at Matt Burk Music Studio. We offer private music lessons for piano, guitar, drums, bass, voice, and songwriting! We encourage you to check out the rest of our website. If you are in the North Dallas area, stop into one of our two convenient locations in Frisco and Allen. Matt Burk Music Studio: Learn, Create, Perform!
