The instructors of Matt Burk Music Studio beam from ear to ear when they learn of one of our students putting their weekly lessons into practical practice! Our students are too great not to mention. The studio and our teachers are proud to see the weekly lessons, semi-annual recitals, and of course our students' dedication, practice, and guts grow into public performances! Great job, guys and gals!

Student Secures Lead in Major Musical

Matt Burk Music Studio wishes to congratulate our very own Hannah Driks for being awarded the leading role in McKinney's Summer Theatre Musical Camp's Junior production of Beauty and the Beast! The camp is for ages eight through eighteen where those attending learn by doing. Each day of the camp instructors teach through rehearsals with the final day of camp resulting in a grand performance. At the age of thirteen, Hannah made her talent known to the judges and secured the role of Belle - before others who are five years her senior! As a student of ours, we couldn't be prouder of you, Hannah. This honor comes, no doubt, from your hard work, diligence, and practice!

Local Coffee Shop Jams

Last Friday at Escape Coffee and Donuts in Allen, a group of our students jammed out for latte and donut-loving bystanders. Matthew Dias and Wlliam Bogue rocked the keys while Micaela Messner - with her beautifully smooth voice and chill style sang some great familiar tunes. Escape Coffee is a super-cute, laid-back coffee house at Bethany & Jupiter in East Allen. It's a great place to relax on a sofa or around their huge (or a small!) table, or hang out at their internet cafe - all while enjoying a cup of joe and some tunes. And if you missed us last week, no worries! We'll be back there this Friday (the 15th) at 7:30!


Does all this sound like your dream? Matt Burk Music Studio can prepare you to perform vocals on a big stage, play guitar or drums in a band, and play technically and by ear.

We offer private and group lessons, jam sessions, and in-depth camps for voice lessons, guitar lessons, drum lessons, bass lessons and piano lessons. We also have some exciting new programs in the works that we'll be announcing soon!

Get Started!