Piano Lessons Frisco TX

The best time for children to start piano lessons Frisco TX is between the ages of five and eight. Kids who learn piano at a young age experience faster brain growth and better motor skills than other children. The caliber of their lessons and their teacher’s approach help determine a child’s musical success and desire for continued lessons.

Piano Lessons Frisco TX: Make Learning Fun

Focus on the child’s strengths, and he or she will gain confidence in other aspects of their playing. Begin with an easy exercise or favorite song to set the pace for the rest of the lesson. Even though learning and practicing are work, it should be fun, too Children learn best when there’s a sense of play during lessons. Even when it’s necessary to correct mistakes, successful teachers smile and use a gentle approach instead of reprimanding students.

To help young students learn faster, a piano teacher may use a whiteboard to write down notes, tempos or other lesson goals. Rhythm sticks are another tool for learning note values and tapping in rhythms.

Teaching “OTB” or “off the bench” is another way to make learning fun and keep children engaged. Getting children up and moving in the studio keeps their energy and creativity flowing.

Piano Lessons Frisco TX:  Lead with the Activity, Follow with the Name

Young students learn best when they complete an activity that demonstrates a concept first, then see the symbol, then learn its name. For example, they should play a whole note or semibreve; then see the symbol, then learn its name.

Good teachers customize a lesson plan for each student, present the lesson, and then reinforce the concepts learned at the end of the lesson and during succeeding lessons.

During the first few lessons, teachers break the ice by letting the student play Chopsticks or another simple piece and explore the parts of the piano and how they work. Learning how to play from the wrist or from the elbow is necessary to play piano effectively, and children learn this concept by practicing flyswatter motions (from the elbow) and knock-knock motions (from the wrist). They learn to differentiate which movement should be used to play a particular passage.


Visit Matt Burk Music Studio for piano lessons Frisco TX. We offer lessons for students of all ages, from 5 to 95. Our instructors build lessons around your interests and favorite type of music. Call us today at 469.353.6100 to schedule an interview with one of our instructors.

Piano Lessons Frisco TX
Matt Burk Music Studio
1701 Legacy Drive, Ste. 150
Frisco, TX 75034
United States
(469) 353-6100