Winter means more than just scarves and mittened hands wrapped around a mug of hot cocoa. For vocalists, winter presents unique hazards and challenges. If you’re not careful, you could find yourself sidelined for the season, nursing a nasty upper respiratory infection or worse. As we officially enter the winter season, take a moment to examine your daily voice use, your practice habits, and your vocal hygiene. If you’re taking or are interested in taking voice lessons Frisco TX, here are four simple tips to make sure you don’t have to put your voice on hold this season.

Winter tips for Voice Lessons Frisco TX

Rest up

Maintaining a regular sleep schedule and resting your voice whenever possible will ensure that you have the energy you need to sing. Be proactive and don’t wait until you feel pain coming on to start resting your voice. If you have what seems to be more than a simple cold or slight pain in your larynx, see a qualified laryngologist who works with singers, and adjust your schedule for voice lessons Frisco TX.


This probably sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s even more important to pay attention to your fluids in the winter. Not only do we tend to drink more this time of year (office egg nog, anyone?), but heating systems everywhere will going be full bore. Both will serve to dry your throat out more so than in summer months. Caffeine, alcohol, and smoking should be avoided because they all have a drying effect on your voice and body.


Giving you even more reason to jump start your New Year’s resolutions is the fact that your body is an instrument as much as your voice. The physical demands of singing make good health essential to your success. Increased core strength and less body fat give you increased energy and therefore, greater singing power. Healthier individuals also sleep better and manage stress much more effectively, so a regular exercise routine will impact your singing beyond simply power.

Don’t drop the mic

You should always use a mic when singing with a band that has amplification. Make sure you position yourself so that you can easily hear yourself through the amp or the monitor. If you can’t hear yourself, you will most likely compensate by over singing, which will quickly sap your vocal endurance.


At Matt Burk Music Studio, we specialize in voice lessons Frisco TX as well as drums, bass, guitar, piano and songwriting. Call Matt Burk Music Studio in Allen or in Frisco at 469-353-6100 and start your vocal or musical journey today.


Voice Lessons Frisco TX
Matt Burk Music Studio
1701 Legacy Drive, Ste. 150
Frisco, TX 75034
United States
(469) 353-6100